What is a camping tent
There are many varieties of classic camping tents. These are expedition, trekking. The camping type is considered the most common. It is directly a tent designed for different types of tourism or ordinary outdoor recreation. As a rule, this kind of tourism does not imply carrying all the equipment on your own, which is often the case in multi-day hiking.
In general, a type of recreation plays a very important role. For example, if a person likes special tent camps, equipped with car parking, then it makes sense to get exactly the model. This is quite a roomy construction, where several people can easily fit, and it is also used for family vacations. Even a tall person can stand there at full height.

The word "camping" means not only camping, that is, parking. This is also a whole type of tourism, consisting of living in a tent in one place, combined with light walks in the surroundings. These articles are made in different shapes, sizes, and have a variety of designs. The tent in the form of a cube is in great demand. It is designed for long stays with a minimum of movement, including:
- summer camps;
- long picnics;
- festivals;
- "overnight stays" in nature;
- camping trips;
- long expeditions.
The main peculiarity of cube devices is construction according to a special principle. The emphasis is put on maximum comfort, practicality, reliability and convenience. Among other distinctive features of a cube camping tent, we can mention impressive size, big height, big vestibule.
Probable areas of camping cube tent application are car and water tourism. Daily movement along the route is allowed here. The device itself can be transported by car or by boat (kayak, catamaran). In such situations, it is allowed to use any tourist tents. Since in this case you do not carry things on your hands, but carry them, you can use large models with an increased level of comfort.
The camping equipment is perfectly suited for outdoor recreation on the banks of the river, sea or lake. It can be a family vacation, as well as leisure time with friends.
Criteria for selection
If you are going to buy the specified product, then you should first pay attention to some points concerning its choice. The best camping tent cube is the one that can accommodate the required number of people, providing them with space and comfort. It is necessary that it has a comfortable and durable construction and quality materials that can resist bad weather.
It should be understood that such goods are not cheap. You will have to pay an appropriate amount of money. The cost of the product primarily depends on the number of people who will use it. Usually, the prices range from $300 to $1,000.
Here are the most basic aspects to take into account when making a choice:
- Number of places - there are one-, two-, three- and four-person and more cube tents for camping. The most popular are the second and third models, which are a good compromise between capacity and comfort on the one hand and the weight and ease of transportation on the other. Four-man cube camping tent is also in demand. As for the single-seat, they are mainly related to the trekking models or fishing tents. The largest constructions can accommodate up to 5 people or more.
- A canopy is a kind of roof over the entrance to the building. In most models, the role of this element has the same part of the threshold, which is used to close the entrance tightly. To turn it into a canopy, this component must be lifted to a horizontal position and 2 complete supports must be installed under the free edge. The canopy is necessary to create additional protection from the sun and rain while the entrance of the camping cube tent is open. In these models, the height of the canopy can exceed the height of an adult.
- Seasonality - there are 3 variations of seasonality - it is winter, summer and spring/autumn. For each season there are certain requirements. Thus, in winter the camping cube equipment should reliably protect from snow and wind. Materials and fittings should normally tolerate a long stay in the cold. Thermal insulation is desirable, but its absence is acceptable, because the clothes, sleeping bag and bedding are responsible for the basic insulation. In the off-season the main thing is protection from rain, often accompanied by a strong wind. In summer, the excellent ventilation should be provided, it is good if there is protection from insects in the form of mosquito nets.
- Material - an important factor is the fabric from which the tent is made. Once this product used to be made of canvas, tents - from polyethylene, but modern models are made of polyamide, polyester, blended fabrics. Polyamide fibers are characterized by lightness, strength, durability, protection against tearing , polyester ones - by increased strength, resistance to solar radiation. The fabric keeps its shape if it gets wet. Oxford, Taffeta are woven fabrics characterized by strength, tear resistance.
- Weight - if you are a tourist who prefers hiking, then you should pay attention to the single cube camping product weighing up to 2 kilograms, the two-person product has a weight of 3 kg. Heavier equipment is more suitable for outdoor recreation with trips by car or for a tourist in excellent physical shape. But still, when choosing the weight of the tent, you should consider the weather conditions, terrain, the duration of the hike. Extreme conditions require more weight.

The following parameters are still important: the number of layers, water resistance, tambour, windows, the presence of pockets. Another important requirement is that the tent of the structure should have a sufficient number of extensions. There should be at least 4 of them. They hold the product in case of a strong wind. This is important because tall cube-shaped camping fixtures are characterized by large wind resistance.
Advantages of the product
With the appearance of the new model on the market, there was an increased interest in it. Inside there is enough space to stand at full height, it simply unfolds and assembles. Such equipment has become so popular for obvious reasons. The tent’s height of 1.8 m allows to move and stand upright inside. The vertical walls create the effect of a large space. In addition, these products quickly unfold, which makes it possible to assign them to the category of automatic equipment.
Some models have a two-layer, and even a three-layer awning, which makes them warm. The influence of fashion cannot be denied - the cube shape is very attractive and has not yet managed to get boring. The cube construction has straight-convex walls on the four sides and a concave inward wall at the corners, which forms an almost perfect sail. This provides a stronger frame and mounts construction.
The product is also characterized as automatic, which allows you to do the installation many times faster. Another distinct advantage is that the ceiling height here ranges from 2.1 to 2.4 meters. Obviously, the cube construction does not imply high stability in strong winds, but in general the equipment is used for trips in clear and windless weather, and for extreme overnight stays high in the mountains you should choose something else.
Best models
The camping cube tent 10x10 is on the list of quality, reliable, practical, sturdy fixtures, as well as the following models:

- LOTOS Cube 4 Compact (long) - elongated, semi-automatic, compact when folded, accommodates 4 people, has a durable tent, has openings in the bottom for holes, suitable for fishing on the ice. There is a rigid frame and a 50 cm wide protective skirt.
- MirCamping 2019 - 4-layer camping cube tent is perfect for winter fishing. It accommodates 4 people. The tent is made of wind and moisture-proof fabric, the inner layer is equipped with insulation and cotton. The insulated part can be unbuttoned, so that the tent can be used in a warm season. The volume of the article allows you to put two sleeping places. Inside you can even stand upright. The main advantages are easy installation, good ventilation, space.
- Cube Premier Comfort three-layer - ideal for winter, can accommodate from 2 to 3 people. The package includes a handy pouch. This camping tent cube is equipped with a hermetically protected zipper, reinforced corners of the tent. The inner layer is made of quilted fabric.
- Bear Cube-3 is an insulated winter version with an inner thermo quilt and windproof skirt for 2-3 people. It can keep warm in cold weather up to 40 degrees. You can store small items inside, there are 8 pockets for this. There is also a hook for a lamp.
The cube camping tent from the company "RBM Outdoors" deserves special attention. There is a wide range of products, so it will be easy to choose the best option. The models are affordable, there are compact products that weigh a little, they can be carried around for a long time. They are quickly and easily assembled, even a frail, slender lady can cope with this task. Moreover, it is possible to find equipment with a carefully thought-out ventilation system. The items are made of safe and quality materials, they look nice and stylish. With them, you can safely go on a picnoc, hunting, fishing and feel great.
🏕 Why do I need a cube camping tent?
You will definitely need a camping tent cube if you adore comfortable atmosphere tent camping. The camping cube tent has a roomy construction, is designed for at least 3 people. Camping tent cube is a great option for family vacations, car and water tourism.
📦 How to choose the right camping cube tent?
In order to choose a cube camping tent and not to make a mistake, it is necessary to take into account a number of parameters. The material of camping tent cube, the number of seats, weight, seasonality and awning of the camping cube tent are important. Choosing a camping cube tent, you need to consider the number of layers, the presence of pockets, windows.
💡 What is unusual about the camping tent cube?
Cube camping tent makes a great service. It is easy to install and fold the camping cube tent. Some cube tents for camping have a two-layer, and even a three-layer awning. The construction of the camping cube tent is strong and durable.
Nigel Forrest said:
I finally now what ‘cube tent’ means
Nigel Forrest said:
I finally now what ‘cube tent’ means
Andrew Needham said:
It all just boils down to your personal preferences
Jokubas Black said:
Cuboid 2.20 is my personal favorite
Jimi Herring said:
I have Cuboid 4.40 and it’s awesome too
Colin Reid said:
Definitely, it all depends on which size you need