All-season outdoor gear for a group: what you need to know when choosing it

All-season outdoor gear for a group: what you need to know when choosing it
Pavlo Lysyy Update February 07, 2023 6 mins read time

Preparing for the long-awaited outdoor recreation begins long before planning a hike. It is because campers need to ensure the availability of the necessary waterproof equipment. Requirements for goods depend on the purpose of camping, as well as the time of year.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of buying tents. It would be best if you had enough space, reliable protection from cold or heat, and no moisture inside the improvised dwelling. It is worth making your own checklist for finding a 4 season outdoor tent to choose a good option.


How to choose the right equipment

A wide range of offers allows you to balance quality and inexpensive waterproof equipment. You need to make a list of requirements to make your purchase last for a long time. A lack of knowledge will not affect the search result because novice campers can use the advice of experienced tourists.

The recommendations, proven by experience, will allow you to choose equipment responsibly 3 person tents. However, since tents for camping are an important component of comfort, you need to pay attention to several characteristics:

  1. Size. It is uncomfortable to huddle in small tents, so free space availability will not hurt. Sleeping overnight in 3 person tents will appeal to small groups. This option will satisfy your requirements if you plan to go on vacation with a child.
  2. Seasonality. Fans of summer camping are hardly interested in buying 4 season tents. However, if a vacation outside the city is a priority option, it is worth paying attention to all-season products. This way, the cold, moisture, and sun will not cause inconvenience.
  3. Ease of installation. Winter holidays outside the city require spending a minimum amount of time outside the shelter. For this reason, you should choose tents with the possibility of quick and uncomplicated installation. Thanks to this, you can organize camping quickly and cover yourself from bad weather.

Traveling on foot causes inconvenience because of the large number of things. However, if you plan to go camping without a car, it is worth considering the weight of the collected waterproof equipment. Fortunately, there are reliable and compact products on the market for such cases.

The best offers for campers

It takes a lot of time to look through the catalogs, but determining the key requirements will shorten the time. Experienced campers recommend looking for offers in online stores, where a diverse selection of 3 person equipment for any weather is available. In addition, you will be able to specify the requirements in the filtering system and proceed to explore only suitable options.

Choosing waterproof equipment from the list of recommended items is a useful way to reduce the search time. So, it will be possible to use the advice of experienced fans of camping and gain useful experience, learning from others' mistakes. Pay attention to a few unique offers that are in demand among campers.

Marmot Tungsten 3P Tent: an example of modern design

It is worth paying attention to this 3 person equipment because of the increased water resistance. The characteristics of the materials used for reliable protection speak for themselves: the product has a performance of 1500 mm for the main dome and 2000 mm for the floor. Therefore, the rain will not affect the rest of your camping trip.

The additional advantages of tents are as follows:

  • reinforced stands for greater structural stability;
  • two exits and vestibules for storing things;
  • installation is facilitated by color markings.

Choice of 3 person equipment will ensure enough space, protect from bad weather conditions and place your personal things. The low weight also attracts tourists who prefer hiking. Thanks to this set of features, the equipment receives excellent customer reviews.

UP-2-mini: quick assembly equipment for winter holidays

The advantage of the equipment is a two-layer protection against moisture. Installation takes a minimum of time, but you should consider that there is no vestibule for storing things. This does not affect the usability, because there is enough space inside the 3 person tent and their things.

The fabrication materials of all RBM tents allow you not to worry about the stability of the construction. The frame is made of durable alloy, which is able to recover from the loads. In addition, the top protective layer has a high-water resistance. For this purpose, the manufacturer uses modern Oxford 300 PU 4000.

Safety characteristics are also provided. The 4 season equipment has several attractive features for this purpose:

  1. Availability of protective glass for the stove. Comfort in the cold season is ensured by additional options. Fireproof glass can withstand high temperatures.
  2. The use of reflective elements. Special elements are provided for the safety of tourists. The light of the headlights, which falls on the all RBM tents, is bounced to quickly detect the place of the stop.
  3. Additional waterproof floor with zipper. The presence of an additional layer is relevant in a 4-season UP-2-mini. It protects against ground moisture that can get in the way of campers on rainy nights, and in the summertime shields from insects and snakes.

3 persons will live comfortably in the cold season, when everything is provided for installing a wood-burning stove. The roof with a hole for the chimney output will allow you not to have any discomfort. There are also 4 ventilation windows to ensure safety and venting of combustion products.

Mountain Hardwear Trango 3: inexpensive equipment for tourism

Protection against moisture inside the dwelling is ensured by glued seams around the perimeter of the floor. In this way, it is possible to exclude the increase of humidity during heavy rains or snowfalls. The 3 person 4 season equipment is popular due to the abundance of space, which is enough to comfortably accommodate and their personal things.

The spacious and secure entrance hall will be useful for those tourists who prefer to travel with a large set of things. If necessary, you can place the items in special hinged pockets that are not in contact with the floor.

Ventilation windows are provided for a comfortable stay in warm seasons. Thanks to the successful placement, it is possible to ensure the inflow of fresh air and protect the room from moisture on the walls and other surfaces. You should give preference to a waterproof product because of its affordable price and multi-functionality of use.

Teton Sports Mounts: waterproof but heavy

Those who prefer to get to the camping site by car should choose this 4 season model. The reason is simple: regardless of the version, the weight of the product is too heavy. If you still decide to buy, consider dividing your equipment into several backpacks for convenience.

As for the advantages, there are quite a few. The manufacturer has released several versions of 3 person tents, including this model. There is enough space inside the 4 season tents to comfortably accommodate tourists and their backpacks. Spacious entrance halls are provided for this purpose. There are two doors so as not to disturb the other guests.

Ventilation windows provide the necessary inflow of fresh air. There is no need to fight humidity: the material is extra waterproof 150D Oxford. Installation of equipment does not cause inconvenience, because there are symbols for assembly.

Rejka Antao III Light HC: tunnel type equipment

Long-distance hiking is not uncomfortable thanks to the purchase of this model. The secret of success lies in the fact that the tunnel design allows you to reduce the weight of tents and maintain a high level of comfort. 3 persons can easily fit in it, and the division into two wings will not create inconvenience to your companions.

It is worth paying attention to the manufacturer's offer for other reasons as well:

  1. Low weight. The weight of the structure together with the racks is only 3 kgs. This allows you to assemble a backpack without the mandatory division of additional weight. In addition, the owners of tents do not face any inconvenience.
  2. Reliable protection. Waterproof material for tunnel structures plays an important role. The brand combats the disadvantages of protection by using modern, durable aluminum poles. This way, the roof does not sag under the weight of precipitation.
  3. A lot of free space. Design features allow all campers to fit comfortably. The tents are divided into two wings, so there is room to store the rest of your equipment.

Choosing a 4 season model allows you to get rid of heavy backpacks and move quickly for long distances. Camping fans who don't want any weather to disturb them get to enjoy the comfort of great company.

Final recommendations

Neglecting important characteristics will not allow you to relax away from home, so it is worth taking a responsible approach to the choice. A wide range of 3 person equipment lets you choose the option that meets all expectations. Affordable price, desired functionality and protection from moisture - all this is possible through a detailed study of the reviews and recommendations.

Spend your time studying the selected 3 person models and get the desired result. You should pay attention to the availability of additional equipment for more comfort during the cold seasons. High security class and ventilation windows are firmly interconnected, so they deserve attention.


🏕  Which 3 person tents are suitable?

First of all, the camping equipment must meet the stated requirements. Waterproof, large capacity, and ease of assembly are among the most important. Explore your options for these features.

📦  What are the benefits of all-season tents?

4 season models that are suitable allow you to forget about discomfort, despite the weather. The equipment reliably protects against the sun and moisture, lets you enjoy comfort and is used for outdoor recreation all year round.

💡  How can 3 persons take care of the availability of space?

The requirements for the products are determined based on the number of tourists. If you prefer to travel with your family, then 3 person tents are ideal for this. Other models have a certain amount of space, so there is no inconvenience.




Leo Cervantes

Leo Cervantes said:

camping is an experience to share with your loved ones

Khalid Lam

Khalid Lam said:

Teton Sport’s a good brand, i own their gear and am completely satisfied

Cohen Vazquez

Cohen Vazquez said:

great article!

Mahir Norton

Mahir Norton said:

UP-2 mini is awesome, great for camping both in a group and on your own

Kaden O'Quinn

Kaden O'Quinn said:

Love this

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